Level 1 - CCGA1 Groomer Assistant

**The Bather and Bather Double Coated written and practical tests are a requirement of the CCGA1 Groomer Assistant certification.

Please click on the links below for more information:
Bather Double Coated


Membership Form
Certification Application Form
Sample Practical Form


Written Exam - $40.00Practical Test - $100.00
Rewrite Written - $20.00Retake Practical - $50.00

Study Material

Written Exam

  • 70% minimum requirement to pass (85% min. to apply towards Master Groomer title)
  • 100 questions
  • Time allowed for completion: 1 hour
  • No. of Certifiers required to administer: 1 Junior or Senior or Proctor
    (see Competitions, Proctors & Special Considerations)

Practical Test

  • 70% minimum requirement to pass (85% min. to apply towards Master Groomer title)
  • Dog must have a minimum of 2" of coat. Ears cleaned, nails trimmed or dremmelled with a certifier watching, pads & sanitary trimmed are included in the practical.
  • Time allowed for completion:
      Dogs 16" & under – 1 hour
      Dogs over 16" – 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Strongly recommended that a small dog be used to ensure drying can be completed in the time allowed.

Bather Double Coated

Membership Form
Certification Application Form
Sample Practical Form


Written Exam - $40.00Practical Test - $100.00
Rewrite Written - $20.00Retake Practical - $50.00

Study Material

Written Exam

  • 70% minimum requirement to pass (85% min. to apply towards Master Groomer title)
  • 100 questions
  • Time allowed for completion: 1 hour
  • No. of Certifiers required to administer: 1 Junior or Senior or Proctor
    (see Competitions, Proctors & Special Considerations)

Practical Test

  • 70% minimum requirement to pass (85% min. to apply towards Master Groomer title)
  • Dog must have a minimum of 2" of coat and be bathed, dried and brushed out in front of a Certifier
  • Time allowed for completion:
      Dogs 16" & under – 1 hour
      Dogs over 16" – 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Strongly recommended that a small dog be used to ensure drying can be completed in the time allowed.
    American Eskimo  Miniature Australian Shepherd
    Border Collie   Nova Scotia Duck Toller
    Finnish Laphund   Pomeranian
    German Shepherd   Schipperke
    Golden Retriever   Shetland Sheepdog

    *** Any cross bred of these breeds will also be acceptable. Keeping in mind the size of the dog – only 1 to 1 1/2 hours (depending on size – see above) is permitted for the practical and the dog must be dry. Whatever the breed or cross bred that is used, it must have a fleece undercoat that would require carding. ***

Age Restriction of Dog Used: Dogs must be a minimum of 1 year old and a maximum of 10 years of age. Dogs younger than 1 year will not have had enough experience in the grooming process and will not make a good candidate to use for certification. Dogs over 10 years of age, may not be able to handle the grooming process in the time frame that is allowed for certification. Using a dog with good experience and manners in the grooming process will be of great benefit to the groomer being tested.